We want to give our thanks to the many who made the event happen, and I am sure that we will overlook just as
many, so please forgive us.
To our Chairman of the event, Jerry Klaben and better half, Carol.. One of the best things that Jerry came
up with this year was to appoint Joe Warwick and Jim Robertson as Co-Chairmen of the Ghost walk. Gosh, what a great
job they did. Joe created spreadsheets for each of the thirteen stops on the walk that showed that stops location, what
it should look like, what sounds should be there, what lighting should be on the spot, who was responsible for bulding the
spot, and who was to man the spot. With that information, Joe and Jim put together some thirty volunteeers to man the
And thanks go to Rich Hughes and Paul Babcock for such great entertainment on the hay rides, Rich with his songs
and guitar and Paul on his african drums.
And we want to thank, our council person, Velma Kelsey and Kate for spending several afternoons with us preparing
the food for the event, along with Jan Medcalf and Sheila Tamblyn, who also helped with the stuffing of the kids goody
bags. And Wayne Asford also helped with the goody bags...Every thing went pretty smooth with the stuffing after a few glasses
of wine.
And then there was, Paula Klaben, Joanne Klaben and a host of others helping with the serving of food.
Marsha and Kent Ruddock were in charge of the children's "garage" activities. And our Chief Hot Dog Chef, Carl Coulter,
was at his best, assisted by his chief boss, Elsa and Kent Swenson. Of course, River Captain Charles Brooks and his
able assistant, Karolyn Massey handed out the adult beverages.
And around the fire pit, which Bob Palmer, kept burning, Jerry Klaben Jr, managed, with his crew, the hot dog
roast for the kids. And they had to have something to drink, so Angela Petz and Dave Dusto manned that station.
And, lof course, special thanks goes to Arnold Read for his continuing support of the event.
Yvonne Landon and Marie Poldervaart with help from Kate and others manned the sign in desk. and our parking
crew also did a magnificent job, including Dan Hughes and John DeSpirito.
Janet Palmer is also deserving of our thanks for being our official photographer, helped by others. And thanks
go to Councilman Jeff Lackie for capturing on his computer many of the pictures contributed for this site.
And, of course, John Poldervaart manages the overall property and had it in great shape. Phil Campbell,
the biggest kid of us all, deserves a special recognition for his efforts in creating the scenes, sounds, etc on the ghost
trail. Thanks, what a job.
And a hugh round of applause goes to Gary Traynor of Limestone music for his contribution of a truck load
of the lights, sounds, and the Magician. What a great guy! Thanks Gary!
And, thanks, finally to Laurie who lets us kids play and put on this event...